जाति-भेद पर एक पाश्चात्य राजनीतिज्ञ की सम्मति ——
"The effect of this permanent maintenance of human types is that population is hetrogeneous to the last deg- ree. It is no question of rich and poor, of town and country, of employer and employed ; the differences lie far deeper. The population of a district or town is a collection of different nationalities--- almost afferent species---—of mankind, that will not eat or drink or in. termarry with one another, and that are governed in the more important affairs or life by committees of their own. It is hardly too much to say that by the caste system the inhabitants of India are differentiated into over 2000 species which, in the intimite physical relations of life, have as little 1n common as the iumates of a zoological garden.
A land thus socially atomised and politically sptit into many principalities was clearly predestined to fall before the first strong invader. This invader was Islam. Beginning with border raids, Moslem actacks culminated in a series of great invasions......The Moslem invaders enjoyed two notable advantages : they were fanatically united against Hindus, whom they loathed as worshippers of idols, and they made many converts among the native population. The very opposite of Hinduism, Islam, with its doctrine that all believers are brothers, could not fail to attract multitudes of low cases and out castes, who by conversion to Islam might rise to the status of the conquerors, This is chief reason why the Mohammadans of India to-day number nearly 78,000,000 -well over 1/8 of the popuation. These Indian Moslems are descended, not solely from Afghan, Turkish and Persian invaders but far more from the millions of Hindu converts who embraced Islam at one time or another"-clashing Tides of colour, by lothrop Stoddards,P. 285-288.