पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज.pdf/३५५

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भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज

१४३२ भारत में अंगरेजी राज तक लगी रहीं, और इस प्रकार [ एक स्थान पर } से हज़ार मनुष्यों को झटपट ख़रम कर परलोक भेज दिया गया ।x ईं हैं जब कोई अंगरेज़ यह , पढ़ता है कि किसी काले रस के बदमाश ने किसी मिस्टर चैम्बर्स या किसी मिस जेनिफ्रेंस को काट डाला तो क्रोध के मारे उसका दम घुटने लगता है; किन्तु भारतवासियों के इतिहासों में अथवा यदि इतिहास न हुए तो उनके रंम्परागत वृत्तान्तों में हमारी फ़ौम के विरुद्ध यह स्मरण रहेगा कि भारत की माताएँ, पकियों और बच्चे, जिनके नामों से हम इतनी सच्छी तरह परिचित नहीं हैं, मनरेनों के प्रतिकार की पहली बाढ़ के निर्दयता के साथ शिकार हुए ।’’’

  • soldiers and civilians alike Tere holding Bloody Assites, or slaying

Natives without any assize at alt, regardless of sox or age. Altorwards the thirst for bl००d gre w stronger still. It is on the records of our British Parliament, in papers sent home by the Governor-General of India in Councin that ' the aged हैromon, and children, are sacrificedas well as those guilty of rebellion. They were not dclibratey hanged, but bornt to death in their villages, perhaps now and then accident by shot nglishmen did not hasitate to boast or to record their boasting in writing that they had spared no one , and that peppering away at aiggers as very pleasand pastime, enjoyed amacingly And it has been stated, in a book patronised by oficial authorities, that ' for three months eight dead carts daily rent their round from sunric to sunset to take do the corpses which hung at the cross ) roads and market places and that six thousand beings had been tlhus 'summarily disposed ofr and launched into eterniy' An Englishman is almost sufocated with indignation when he zeads that fr: Chambers or Mis Jennings was nacked to death by a dusky , but in Native histories rufian r, history being wanting in Native legends and tratitions, it ay corded against our people, that mothers and wives and childrenwith les। fिamilier name, tell miserable victims to the first swoop of English vengeance "-Kayes Hilar f the Sky BWar, vol. it.