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५३२ to attempt the execution of the project which the Sepoys failed to accomplish in Benares, "-Red Pamphlet Page 91. . 389,16 "Volunteer banging parties went out into the districts and amateur executioners were not wanting to the occassion. One gentleman boasted of t. e numbers he had finished off quite" in an artistic manner," with mango trees for gibbets and elephants as drops. The victims of this wild justice being strung up, as though for pastime, in the form of a figure of eight. " Kaye and Malleson's History of the Indian Mutiny Vol. II Page 177. In 30 q. 66 "And with them went on not only the Sepoys who, a day before had licked our bands but the super-anduated pensioners of the Company's natiro army who though feeble for action, were earnest in their efforts to stimulate others to deeds of cowardice and cruelty." --Kaye's Indian Mutiny, Vol. II page 193. See also Red Pamphlet. #. 389.750 "Indeed one of the most remarkable features of the Mutiny has been the certainty and rapidity with which the natives were made aware of all important movements in distant places. The means of communication is chiefly by runners who forwarded messages from station to station with extraordinary celerity. Narrative page 23. सं. ३२ पृ. २०७ Trevelyan gays;" The Sepoys, familiar as they were wwith the brutality of low Europeans and the vagaries of Military justice, would at a less critical season have expressed small surprise either at the outrage or the