22. bhar idiomatically follows substantives! of time, to express the full or complete period mentioned. Sometimes, too, as here, it has the force of "single" Trunsl. "within one minute."
23, si betokens likeness, semblance. Lit. scholars, freals it (Hindî Reader, p. 139) as those which were apparently joined," ie,
"those which seemed a connected whole."
24. Lit "through the swiftness. of the it is a true genitive ; ami this concu-ion is wheels there was no interval at all, for a short fortified by the fact that, in the sentences in time, indeed, between the far ankl the wear." which it occurs, it generally expresses post.
25. The plur. is ofien thus used for the sing.
26. Transl. "the deer is within bow-shot."
27. This tre may be here rendered "to be as to the origin of the inflexion, however,
sure." It does duty for that slight change of canses no difficulty in its application; the voice with which, in English, the subject of phrase before us meaning "May there be of a jihrase is, at times, emphasized.
28. Ki here introduces the direct form speech,
29. See note 17.
30. Here the present participle is used,
because the charioteer tops the horses dative) is employed in Bangali. simultaneously with his signifying obser-
Vance of the king's orler.
31. Here the future is used as a sub-junctive, the schise being "the arrow that
shonld strike bis tender body voulel be as if The compliment is that a Brůhman's word is fire were to catch a licap of cotton." Jo anelne prononus.
32. This use of kahán is highly idiomatic. It indicates very great disparity of the
between the objects spoken of. Transl.
What a contect between thy tlnder bolt of an arrow and the brief life of this crcature!
33. namasitár karke, "making an obeisauee," or "with an obeisance."
34. Purn was the sixth in descent from Badha, the son of the Moon: he married a daughter of King Satyavrata, and was rites going on without impediment, you will
preserved from the general deluge by vishnu
Dushyanta was deseended from this renowned 41. The use of the 2nd pers. plural with
prince, apil is, therefore, called "the lamp of the race of Puru."
35. Much uncertaints prevails as to the
origin of he when used as here, Native
grammarians think it a separate postposition, equivalent to the Persian ba, "to;" and
Mr Platts, in his schlorly Urdu grammar (p.103) consider it a true dative decide from the Sanskrit write an opinion in which the learnd Dr. Turmpp concurs. On the other hand, Dr. F. Hall fist among Hindi scholar true its (Hindi Reader, p. 139) as the infected from of the grenitiv. For very many reson, I am strongly of opinion that it is a true genitive; and this coucln ion is fortified by the fact that, in the sentence in which it occens it generally experience possison or endowment and this is clearly one from of the genitive idea. This uncertainty as to the phrase before us meaning "May here be to you a son" &c ie may not you have a son like yourself imperial and virtonous!" And so in other such cases it is worthy of remark that in such construction the genitive not dative) is imployed in Bangali.
36. "Bowing."
37. Ellipite For sir aur mathe par hai. According to hindu belief one's fate written on the force had. (See Hindu Reader , line 964) The compliment is that a Bhrahman's word is fact
38. Kanwa was a desndent of kasyapa whome the Hindu regards as the actual father of the infarior gods and demons of the man fises, and, indeed, all animals, by his twelve wives, Kanwn, from his aneestry and superior piety, seens to have been recognized as chief among the hermits residing on the banks of the Malmi.
39. "Should you have an opportunity."
40. Present part="being" "having existence"
seeing our scared write going on without impendiment you will also presierve," &e.
41. The use of the 2nd pers, plural with the honorific is considered by many writers
as inelgent but will be found to occur frequently in this play and other Hindi books. Custom, may ultimately, improve its present character.
42.kitne is exelamational, Tranal " How