115. "Somewhat in a flurry."
116. "Coquettishly."
117. Notice the future tense to express "about to." The sense is, "thou approacliest her ears, as though thon wert about to impart some secret message."
118. "while," not "until."
119. "Whom need I fear?"
120. "Now, come what may," &c.
121. "Wherever I go, he hovers on close the
behind me. "Laga indicates the constancy, and the emphasis in pichhe hi pichhe, the closeness, of contiguity.
122. The regular form of salutation adressed to persons engaged in religious exer-nated-like. "cises was, “I trust your devotional rites may 131. This is an exclamation. Would that be effectual."
123. Water for the feet is one of the first
things provided in all eastern countries; and 136. se idiomatically omitted. in India the riglits of hospitality were strin- B7. This is a conditional form; and yently enforced. The Hitopadesa tells us it is plural honorifically. (cl. i. st. 61): "The stranger who turns 138. This speech is highly idiomatic. It away from anyone's house disappointedl, means, "Go, be off; there is something quite leaves his wickedness with the householder), different in your mind; go, I will not listen anel takes the virtne (of the house) with him." to yon." After teri the word båt is, hoy a Sce also Vanu, iv. 29), 154, 253.
124. harle meals, more generally, "slowly,"
but is used here for "softly," "in an under "I, for my parl, am about to ask," &c. tone."
125. "one by one."
126. Notice the genitive here; it converts
the pronominal đpas into a substantive. There is a similar expression in Act IV. The sense practising the austerities which were to raise is, "has fitly established between you corre-lirn to the saintly office, that Indra, jealous of sponding friendship;" for taist is understool his increasing power, sent the nymph Menakå
before priti. The Sanskrit of this passageg
is, cho samarayoriparamaniyam bharatináin These events are recorded in the Ramayana,
xruhárdam, "Your friendship is delightful
frou equality of age and beauty."
127. This use of ke sath for se is now un-
happily common.
128. "Of what royal house are you the ornament?" Notice kaun se, not his.
129. kya haran hai jis se may be trans. lated by "For what reason?"
130. Transl. "Anasůyå is saying what is kind to thee," i. c. she is making the very inquiries which Sakuntala would have wished made.
131. Karunhiga is an emphatic from the future, freqnently occurring in this play. The particle hi is insteted before the affix go; and fact of its being so inserted throws some light open the formation of the future tense in Hindi. The sense is, "Come what may, I will converse with her. "Ennius
ventured on a yet more daring tmesis, when he wrote, "saxo cere comminuit brum;" for he biseeted the cerebrum itself. Ho so ho is the equivalent of the Sanskrit bharatu. "Let it be [as it may]."
132. saunp rakkha is intensive="to entrust to."
133. Lit "somewhat abashed and faseinated-like."
134. This is an exclamation, "Would that Kanwa were at home to-day!"
135. Trasul, "What if he were"?
136. se idiomatically omitted.
137. This is a conditional from; and it is plural honoriflly
138. This speech is highly idiometic it means, "Go, be off; there is something quite different in your mind; go I will not listen to you." After the teri word bat is by comman elipsis, omitted.
139. The present tense; but it here means "I for my part, am about to ask," &e.
140. Visvamitra is said to have been the son of Gadhi king of Kanauj, who won the dignity of saintship, after a long struggle with the Brahmans. It was while Visvamitra was praciting the austerities which were to raise him to the saintly office, that Indra, jealous of his increasing power, sant the nymph Menaka to seduce him from his life of modification. These events are recorded in the Ramayana i. 51. 65.
141. Trasul, "It must be that you are about to name Visvamitra."
142. Trasul, "Kanwa is called her father, inasmuch as." &e.
143. Lit "to him she was met lying". This is the idiom for," he found her lying" &e,
144. This is an exclamation.
145. To is here merely emphatic.
146. Trasul "Now recount to me her origin, from [its] beginning."