means unusual to find it with a transitive in this sense. 186. maríkha generally forms adjectivul phrases thus, being added to an accusatival base. 187. Transl. "We have not shown the hospitality dne to men like you." Here again sensc; a nenter verb has se; but it does not, as it even that at musettled times," i. e. in a bap note 185, imply "impossibility." 188. "We are, therefore, ashamed to ask," &c. 189. See note 169. 190. ek tau... dusre, "for one thing...for another, "&c. 191. Dabh is a corruption of the Sanskrit darbha the Poa cynosuroides, or kusa grass. It was deemed very sacred, and was used as a substitute for munja, in making the sacrificial cord of the Brahmans (see Manu, ii. 43). In the Atharva-voda it is even addressed as a deity: "Destiny, O sacred grass (darbha], my foes; exterminate my enemies" (see Colebrooke's Essays, vol. 1, p. 81, ed. 1873). 192. The kurá (or khuraraka, Sans.) is a species of Barleria, with purple flowers, and covered with sharp prickles. It is also the 14. assuming a stiff-jointed attitude." name of the Red amaranth. 193. Transl. "she makes her exit in con- "Conie, leaning this way is the thing." fusiou." 194. See note 185. 195. Transl. "I will take up my ahode somewhere just in the vicinity of the wood." 196. Lit., "How can the desire of beholding Sakuntala's blandishments leave my heart?" 197. Transl. "a penuon moving against the wind." ACT II. 1. This is the name of the Brahman who acts as jester in the play. Sivaprasáda, in his edition of the Sakuntala, substitutes Matali for the proper name of this character; but this conflicts with Mátali, the name of Indra's charioteer, who is introduced further on. Prof. Monier Willianis, in his Sanskrit text, have the appellative ridashaka, "jester."</poem> |
2. The word bat is understood.
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