ing fire, which woull have consumed the world, had not Brahma appeared, and as-signed the ocean as its habitation, and waves as its food. The particulars of this story will be found in the Harivanaša, II 2552, et seq.
15. Transl., "had it not been for this, how
couldst thou who became ashes have inflamed
the hearts of separated (lovers)?"
16. Notice the tuo infinitives kahna and
bakhand, to express "to term," and "to re-
present (as);" both being, in fact, nomina- Transl., "Is not, forsooth, that indis. tives of the elanse introduced by ye donoy,
17. båt is uninflected, because donoy is
assimilated to a numeral.
18. rajra-sam=najra he samen, "like thunder bolts."
19. "having a fish for (his) device." The
fable is, that Káma once overcame a sea-
monster, the effigy of which lie afterwards
bore upon his banner.
20. Transl. "a hundred times sharper."
21. binú is frequently used, as here with-
out he.
22. hahin here denotes "somewhere." Though this is the ordinary meaning of the word, it does not often occur in this sense in
this play
23. hogi = "must be."
24. Gender changed to fem. : see note 9.
25. hokar has otten this sense of "via."
"She went through here."
26. See note 13. In consequence of being
seorched up, Kama was called "the bodiless
ono." The epithet is here applied to Sakun-
talâ, as the impersonation of Love.
27. There is a little alliteration bere. It
means "the body scorched by [kl] the bodiless one."
28. kahin here, also, has its ordinary meaning, "somewhere."
29. The past tense is here used, where the
English iiom prefers the present. Lit., "She is reclined," for "is realining."
30. chaho so ko, "come what may," "at all events." See note 38.
31. gahri drishti se = "intently," "earnestly."
32. samet follows an accusatival base, as here.
33. Notice this use of ko with lagnd (which often makes man or per). It gives the sens of "up to", "as far as;" thus "Does it [the wind] reach your body, or not"?
34. Trausl., "Has the glave affceted her? Or (is it) as I suspected?"
35. Transl., "but notwithstandig this lassitude how beautiful is (her) person!"
36. though sl "as though eaptivated."
37. Transl., "Is not, forsooth, that indisposition somewhere (affecting) her?"
38. Trans., "as all events, I must indeed ask her."
39. bat understood. "How can we know the secrets of thy heart?"
40. Page is here used attributively. Lit., "in tales of love-affceted people."
41. dasu is referred to.
42. Fem. to agree with bat understood.
43. The verb jana is often thus used with the present participles of other verbs, to form continnatives. "You are day by day becoming progressively weaker."
45. Transl., "but to my mind she is still comely."
46. Lit., "Now from the inquiry of the friends nssistant in her pleasure and griefs" &e,. Sajin is a fem. Snbstantive, Used in apposition to sakhi.
47. Transl, "I am captivated by her eyes."
48. "Say no." The e of kahe marks it's continuative character.
49. Transl, "by becaming captive to him" After bas, the particle men may be understood.
50. Transl., "should you not care to do so, then perform my funcral obsequies." Thuse, in part, consist of handfuls of water (aujail) in which sesamum-seed is spriukled. See Manu, iii. 210. The Vishnu purana is precise, ordering "handfuls of water, with seven or eight grains of sesamum" (bk. III., ch. xiv); and tells us