that the offering slionka lie made on either the 1st, or 3rd, or 7th, or 9th day after death (hk. III. ch. xiii.).
51. Lit.,"as far as (your) intelligence can reach," ie" as well as you can."
52. Transl., "but what sort of measure is
there by which," &c.
53. "What wonder is it, then, that the Moon should enter the Visakha-asterisim!" The allusion is astronomical. Dushyanta, being of the Lunar race, may have intended to identify himself with the Moon.
54. When an active verb is intensified by
aid of a neuter verb, it becomes neuter itself.
55. See note 44.
56. Transl., "I am, indeed, become just So;" ho is separated from gaya hûn for em-
phasis only. Other instances of similar dis
junction will be found farther on.
58. Transl., "but I fear lest the king may
contemptuously return it:" na is the complement or kahin.
59. so. . . . yah mean "he the same;" yah is, in fact, only crophatic. Thc Sansk.
reads ayam sah, "this he," a construction
which has mueh the same effect.
60. The infinitive is always in the mase.
form, when followed by a case sign.
61. chahe = "may be."
62. See note 59.
63. ghatahar = "disparagingly."
64. nalin tau "[Is) not [it] indeed (so)?"
There is nothing equivalent to nahin tau, in the Sanskrit original.
66. The meaning of the metaphor is, "Who would be so silly as to deny him self the very comfort be desires."
67. lochan bhar, "with full eyes," i.e.
68. "Dietate away. "A continuative form, see note 43.
69. Sakuntala's letter and Dushyanta's reply may be paraphraseel, in prose, as follows: हे मुखदेनेवाले मित्र तेरे मन की बात में नहीं जानती। परंतु मेरे मन को मदन बहुत अचैन करता हैं। तुझ में नेह लमा रात दिन कल नहीं होता।
प्रेम मेरे देह को तपाता मैं अपने तन मन को दे चुकी॥ Dushyanta's reply: मु॰ कुमारी मदन तुझे केवल तपाता। परंतु मेरे हृदय को भस्म करता तू दृष्टि करके विचार॥ भानु कमोदिनी की गन्ध को केवल मन्द कर देता। परंतु चन्द्र का मण्डल प्रात के दर्शन में खेल हो जाता है॥
70. "oppressed by heat." The genitive is often used in this way, with a just part, to form, snbstantially, a compound adjective.
71. Jagah dena, is "to make room (for anyone)."
72. Transl., "Her very bashfulness is taking the heart captive ."
73. The idea is, that Saluntala is bashfully looking down, as though counting lotospetals, which are wounded by her impassioned glances.
74. All verbs of asking, speaking, &e., and phrases of similar import, may take the ablative.
75. See note 169, Act I.
76. tum donon hi wold, ordinary, be considered as suficient.
77. Transl., still, love for this friend makes me desirous of saying something more."
78. yadi kuchh is understood in both in both cases.
79. Transl., "now you alone are capable of saving her life."
80. Transl., "I for my part, am in all respects favoured."
81. The conj. part. here, and frequently elsewhere, is much like the ablative. "By speaking such words," &e.
82. "beloved by many wives." Many adjcetive
besides pyara take a genitive in this way.
83. Transl., "you must treat our friend so that," &e. It is equivalent to the imperative.
84. adhik kya hahun, "what more can I say?"
85. chahe jitni is very Idiomatic. It means "however much," and, in the plural, "how many soever." See not 106.