68a. Misra is a family name. See note 53.
69. The hayal (Sanskrit hukila) is the
Indian cuekoo. It is as great a favourite
wih Indian poets as the nightingale is with
Europeans. Hearing its note upon a journey
betokens good fortune.
70. Transl., "I am extremely reluctant to
leave," &c. See note 107, Act III.
71. akeli is here used for keeal.
72. The repetition of the adverb here ex-
presses gradualnes; "in proportion as."
73. sí agrees with bitha, the word to which
it is subjoined, not with any substantive to which it be supposed adjective. See note 59, Act I.
74. This allodes to the restle-s motious of
the Iudion peacock. The circular movements
102. " Should the king, perchance, not of this bird are compared to dancing.
75. The repetition indicates progressiveness.
76. Transl., "there is affection like a sister's between it and me."
77. "Einbrace it;" us se understood.
78. parná here denotes necessity.
79. The e of saunpe is emphatic; saunp jana is a compound verb.
80. kahli bhejna is a compound verb, meaning "to send word."
8l, putra sam = "like a child."
82. as par is understood.
83. Trausl., "as soon as she had brought three forth."
84. mere príchhe="in my absence."
85. Transl., "May it not turn out that you will, in consequence, stumble at some unevenncs (of the ground)."
86. The nominative is ham understood.
87. men is understood.
88. The negative complements jahan tah. Transl., "as far as a body of water."
89. â jana="to present itself," "appear
suddenly or unexpectedly."
91, Drurya, bij, or some such word is understood.
92. Transl., " then, presenting Sakuntalà, tell him, from me," &c.
93. Keval aap ke dhuni, "wealthy in
alt-terities only." Compare the English "strong of limb," &c.
94. Lit., "remembering your noble family" meaning "as un honourable man."
95. ap se ap = "spontaneously."
96. Lit., tied into a knot," i.e. "secared," "made sure of."
97. janon has here the force of a plural affix.
98. Trunal., "for, so long as they are maids," &e.
99. This is a the Sirium mgrifolium on sakuntalam album, and is large kind of myrile, of which the wood, as is well known, is highly fragrant.
101. Notice the phase kuchh bahut in this sentence. Transl, "no great remembrance of this pain," &e.
102. "Should the king, perchance, not immediately recoganize you," &e.
103. charh jana applied to time before noon. The meaning here is, that the sun is risen high in the sky.
104. Notice the dutive with bitna.
105. Lena here only fertifics hona. Transl, "when you shall have a vailunt son."
106. It was the custom for kings, when advanced in life, to resign their power to their sons, and to spend the end of their lives in the retirement of a forest. In Manu, vi, 2. we find the time of retirement this defined; "When a householder perecvies his wrinkled brow, and grey hair, and the offspring then he should seek refuge in the forest." In the Brihadaranyaka we find an interesting instance of his seclusion, See Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 22; and Colobrooke's Essays (ed. 1873), vol.i.p60.
107. See notes 53 and 68a.
108. Transl., "(Our) friend is now in shutout from view by the trees."
109. Transl "true, it must seem even so to you."
110. Transl., "as through I had surrendered up some one's doposit (hitherto in my charge)."
1. ko is understood; hain is plural, to agree