p, 107, note 61, Act I.,for ho rahi hai read ho rahi hai.
p. 107, note 131, Aet I. For another
instance of this culphatic future see The
kuhahiye in Salasra Ratri Sankshep,
p. 25, l. 21.
p. 108, note 170a, Act I. Add, "but it
need not be supposed that may has actually been elided,"
p. 109, ito 13, Act II., for n. 55 raed 11. 56.
p. 111, note 66, Act II., Add, "ic. What more could you expect? that as soon" &e.
p, 112, note 93, Act II., for mother read My mother,
p. 113, noto 14, Act III., for ll. 25.12
rt seg., rud Il. 2505-2582; see also
p. 114, note 69), col. 2. Insert हेafter देह को तपाता; केवल तपाता; भस्म करता; and कर देता..
p. 115, note 99, Act III., for better Hindi In the read better in formation.
p. 115, noto 113, Act III. Read, Transl., 9
"as though it were fetters to (my) feet;" meaning that the bracelet bound him to the spot.
p. 115, 110te 122, Act III. Read, Transl.,
"If you allow me, then, I'll clear p. 40, I. 25; p. 13, 1. 17; p. 51, l. 24. (your) eyes by blowing with (my) mouth."
p. 116, note 2, Act IV. The publication of Mr. Kellogg's excellent Hindi Grammar will probably lead to the abandonment of the term. "arist" for this form of the verb. For another instance of jane in this scene, see p. 17, 1, 10.
p. 116. note 18, Act IV .,for I know read I Should know.
p. 124. note 105. Act VI. For another similar instences of जान जाना see Sri Krishnchandra's Mahabharata, vol, i. p.167
p. 128. note 67, Act VII. Add. "Around Furrukhabad this from is very common."
p. 128. note 73, Act VIII विश्वासी occurs in this latter sense in Harishchandra's Magazine for 15th March 1874, p. 158, col. 2, 1, 25.
p. 132. कनिया s.f. The lap. This curious word is similar in character to बनियां s.f. an under-waistcoat (pl. बनियांएं); andमनियां s.f bead.
In the following places, chauge the termination of the participles ending in ये to ए—p, I, II, 6, 10, and 1, 6; p, 2, 1, 3 and 1. 5; p, 5, 1, 17; p, 6, 1, 20; p, 9, 1, 1; p, 16, 1, 19; p, 28, 1, 8; p, 30, 1, 15; p, 31, 1, 19, and 1, 23;
p. 40, 1, 25; p, 43, 1, 17; p. 51, 1, 24;
The effect of this alteration is to turu word like लगाये into लगाए.