सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:कुँवर उदयभान चरित.djvu/८

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ जाँच लिया गया है।


this work was composed and the state of the society in that age to have a clear idea of the author's attainments. Mr. Chint says in his introducion to this book that it "is a magazine of Hindee worls and phrases. Any foreigner desiring to obtain an accurate knowlelge of the colloquial Hindi will find ample material is this book for his study."

Mr. Chint, Principal of La Martiniere College, Lucknow, published a portion of this book in 1852 in Vol. XII of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal accompiniert by an English translation. Rev. Mr. L. Slater', Senior Professor of Bishop's College, Calcutta completed the work and the translation in Vol. XXIV of the said Journal. The book was published by these learned gentlemen in the Persian character. Raja Shiva Prasad C. S. I. of Benares published an edi. tion of this book in Nagri character compiled from the above named jourural. But he made some un warranted additions and alterations in the text and omitteil portions here and there and in places changed its gran netical forms to suit the present state of the Hindi dialect. In his elition the herdings and the text have been intermixed. So the author's work has not appeared in its original state. In preparing the present edition besides the above publications one Mss. copy of the book was also consulted and out of the different rendings, the one keeping with the general style of the text has been retained. No portion of the text has been omitted except a feir lines in the introductory portion