सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:तुलसी की जीवन-भूमि.pdf/२७३

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

(२७०) 2ndly, The extension of the Company's front- ier to the Jumna, with the possession of Agra, Delhi and a sufficient chain of posts on the western and southern banks of the Jumna. 3rdly. The possession of the nominal autho- rity of the Moghul. 4thly. The establishment of an efficient sys- tem of alliance with all the petty states to the southward and westward of the Jumna from Jyenagur' to Bundelcund. 5thly. The annexation of Bundelcund to the Company's dominions. 37. The result of such an arrangement would destroy the influence of the French and of the Mahrattas in the northern districts of Hindostan, and would enable us to commence the foundations of such an intercourse with the Seiks and with the tribes inhabiting the Punjab and the banks of the Attock, as might furnish sufficient means of frustrating any attempt of an invading enemy from the wes- tern side of the Indus. ( Page 318.) '. 6. His Excellency has, therofore, deter- mined to enter into a negotiation with Himmat