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11-12] PADUMĀWATI. 5 11. Thus, made He one man without a blemish, named Muhammad, glori. ous as the full moon. It was his radiancy that God first produced, and then for love of him He created the universe. He kindled that light and gave it to the world. The world became clear, and recognized its (true) way. If that bright man had not been, the dark path would not have been visible. The deity (Muhammad) wrote the second place (in heaven) for those who learned his creed. For those who have not taken (refuge in his name throughout his life, God hath prepared a place in hell. God made him His messenger to the world, and whoever hath taken his name passes safely across both worlds. 2 God will ask of each his virtues and his vices, (when) there will be the (great) casting up of accounts. But he (Muḥammad) will humbly 'bend before him, and will effect the salvation of the world. 12. Muhammad had four friends, who (followed him) in his place, and the four had spotless names in both worlds. ABŪ BAKR ȘIDDIQ, the Wise, who first truthfully (sidq) brought the faith into the world). Then 'UMAR, who adorned the title of Caliph); justice came to the world when he adopted the faith. Then 'Usman, the learned and wise one, who wrote the Qur'ān, as he heard its verses. Fourth came 'Alī, the mighty lion; when he attacked, both heaven and hell quaked. All four had one mind, and one word, one path and one fellowship. Each preached the same true word, which became authoritative, and read in both worlds. The very Qur'ān • which God 5 sent down (to this world), that holy book they read; and they who have lost their way) in coming into the world), when they hear it, find the path. 6 1 Lit., teaching. The Urdu gloss gives us, the Musalmān creed. % The ihaloka and paraloka of the Hindūs. This world and the world to come. 8 Lit., brought. 4 Here again we have purāna used for the Musalmān sacred book. 5 Here vidhi, a Hindu technical term. 6 Abu Bakr ibn Abi Quhāfa was Muhammad's dearest friend and father-in-law, and one of his first converts. He enjoyed immense influence with his fellow citizens of Mecca, and earned by his probity the appellation of 'aş-şiddiq,' The True.' He accompanied Muhammad in the Flight, and on his death (632 A.D.) he became the first Caliph. He died 634 A.D. 'Umar ibn Al-khattab was converted in the 6th year of the call (615 A.D.). His conversion carried with it so much weight that the Musalmān traditions relate it with miraculous attendant details. Abu Bakr by his eloquence and address, and 'Umar by his vigour and promptitude, supplied the want of the practical element in Muhammad's character. 'Umar set the example of public instead of private) prayer, which was fol- lowed by other Muslims. He was the leading spirit of the Emigrants (muhājira) who had left Mecca at the time of the Flight, and settled in Medina. He procured the nomina- tion of Abu Bakr to be first Caliph, and, as a matter of course, succeeded him as second Caliph in 634. He was murdered at Medina in 644. 'Usmān ibn 'Affan was one of Muhammad's first converts, and married his daughter. He was elected third Caliph on the death of 'Umar. The Qur'ān was compiled in its present form in his reign. He was killed at the age of eighty-two in 655, in the rebellion which arose in consequence of the movement, the ultimate aim of which was the deposi- tion of 'Usman in favour of 'Ali. Ali ibn Abu Talib was Muhammad's cousin, and one of his first converts. He fol- lowed him to Medina three days after the Flight. He succeeded 'Usmān as fourth Caliph in 655, and was murdered in 660 A.D. The first compilation of the Qur'ān was undertaken by Zaid ibn Sabit, who was ap- 2