
विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।


Analytical Table of Contents PART TWO DOHAS FIRST CHAPTER INCENTIVES TO SPIRITUAL LIFE Page +4 220 369 220 222 1. On perpetual flux सदा नगारा कृचका । 2. One goes ahead; another follows: देखते । 3. The universal reign of uncertainty: क्षणभङ्गुर जीवन की कलिका | 884 II 4. Bitter decrepitule as the final lot of the human body : कच्चे में नीका लगे । 224 5. Dust thou art and to dust returnest: a, ऊपने । 224 6. The funeral pyre as the inciter to spiritual life: हाड़ जरें ज्यों लकड़ी | 224 SECOND CHAPTER THE NECESSITY OF MORAL PREPARATION I 1. You cannot serve God and Mammon together: चींटी चावल ले चली । ... 226