सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

16 परमार्थसोपान - टिप्पणी [ Part I Ch. II राम के नेह से नाता मानना - राम becomes virtually the vinculum substantiale of Leibnitz, where all relationship of the monads is through God otherwise he also becomes the of the wheel in which all the spokes are fixed - अरा नाभाविवार्पितः नातो नेह - These words usually go together in Hindi meaning relationship and affection. In the case of the readings and at ; however, the two words are to be separated नेह से नाता मानना. We can go a step further and split the word नातो itself in ना and तो. This would very well agree with the reading कहाँ लौं which itself would be a good interrogative counterpart of the next line अंजन कहा आँखि जेहि फूटे, which is interrogative. In the case of the reading तहाँ लौं we would have an antithetical उपमा Or प्रतीपोपमा. In the case of कहाँ लौं we would have a direct 3 which is certainly better. यदि वे राम का स्नेह नहीं मानते तो सुहृद सुसेव्य कहाँ तक हो सकते हैं ? उस अंजन का क्या लाभ जिससे आँख हो फूट जाये ? 8 चदरिया - शरीर का चद्दर से साङ्गरूपक है । ताना भरनी - In the case of cloth the ताना and the भरनी are lengthwise and breadthwise. In the case of the human body the इड़ा and पिंगला are both lengthwise only. दल = समूह ( not leaves here ). - आठ कमल दल चरखा A grand conception. पाँच तत्व and गुन तीनी - According to orthodox Kabi- rite tradition the ' Panchamahabhutas' पृथ्वी, आप, तेज, वायु, आकाश as well as the three gunas 6