सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

Padas 2-5] The Relation of God' 27 a doctrine of as Tulsidas does and to put together the निर्गुण and सगुण attributes of God. निगमागम = वेदशास्त्र । इदमित्थं = यह इस प्रकार है । सयानी स्रुति सेतु छोनिप = जनु विदुपन = S = बुद्धिमती । of Marathi ' शहाणी ' । वेद की मर्यादा । पृथ्वीपाल, राजा । 5 जानो । cf. Marathi जाणो. = विद्वानों को, ज्ञानियों को; not to be confounded with विदूषक. हरि भगतन " - "सुखदाता Not a perfect उपमा; one is dual and the other is single. उर अनुभवति न कहि सक सोऊ - What the heart feels. the tongue cannot express. Compare, (1) To express an emotion is to kill it ', (2) "मी मौनी ऐसें ह्मणतां । भंगतें मौन जैसें ॥ and (3) - रामदास । " ननगे निद्दि हत्तिदे " . For the idea in the poem, compare, 1. 'Seusa', the Aspects Theory and Gestalt ( e.g. Elephant as a combination of pillar, rope, serpent and a flat dise.) 2. Herakleitos : 'God is as He is; but every one gives Him the name he pleases.'