सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

32 - परमार्थसोपान - टिप्पणी [ Part 1 Ch. 11i Note: The poem seems to be written by Radheyshyam based on similar utterances in रामचरितमानस and कवितावली by Tulsidas. In the रामचरितमानस eg. we read : माँगी नाव न केवट आना । The कहइ तुम्हार मरम में जाना ॥ चरन कमल राज कँह सब कहई । मानुपि करनि मूरि कछु अहई । तर निउँ मुनिधरनी होइ जाई । वाट परै मारि नाव उड़ाई || was plying in his Boat in midstream. Ram asked him to come to the shore. He would not come for fear that his boat would be turned into a damsel. In कवितावली Tulsidas carries the idea still fur- ther when he says that there was a veritable danger that the stone slabs in the azt might turn them- selves into damsels if they touched the feet of Rama. The as in North India, give as much importance to this poetic conceit as to the law of gravitation. हम अनाथ बैठों Note : पारधि = - - 12 हम indicates both कपोत aud कपोती. We have adopted the reading बैठी because the mention of two is not necessary. huntsmen, whether चिड़ीमार, व्याध or वहेलिया here the first. == सचान (सञ्चान ) श्पेन, वाज़ | cf. Marathi ससाणा । Jaysingh was according to fat merely a याज़ sitting on Aurangjeb's hands, who Note : -