सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

104 1v परमार्थसोपान - टिप्पणी [ Part II Ch. IV conception of Radhasoami, therefore, according to them is nothing but the conception of the current of existence and its spiritual source. = सुरत जीव आत्मा । तुरय = 27 (१) तुरंगम (२) तुर्यावस्था । सवद तुरय असवार है . शंकराचार्य, 66 नादानुसन्धान नमोऽस्तु तुभ्यं, त्वां साधनं तच्चपदस्य जाने । भवत्प्रसादात्पवनेन साकं, विलीयते विष्णुपदे मनो मे ॥ - 28 औरन सरन – Other habitations ( और here is an adjec- tive and not a conjunction ). Note: Rahim wants to portray the H as an ऐकान्तिक भक्त. There are not many such; therefore मीन is in the singular. Winged creatures (c. f. birds, bees, flies) are types of vagrant devotees, hence they may afford to be in the plural. Mark the dots in the predicates of and the absence of the dot of मीन. cf. exactly, जगन्नाथ पंडित, आपेदिरेम्वरपथं परित, पतङ्गाः । भुंगा रसालकुसुमानि समाश्रयन्तं ॥ संकोच मंचति सरस्त्वयि हीन दीनो । मीना नु हन्त कतमाङ्गतिमभ्युपैतु ॥ 29 किनारा ( नाव का ) Edge ( of a boat ); (२) बाल Hair's breadth. वार = (१) वयार 1. - From Sk. वायु = - Marathi 'वारा m. Pecu- liarly वायु f. and पवन . ( Hindi ).