सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

1 Three forms of meaning: अभिधा, लक्षणा and व्यंजना. Historically speaking, only two processes, • - " (expression) and (indication) were re- cognised for a long time, but or suggestion was not recognised. was regarded to be of three kinds – जहत्, अजहंत् and जहदजहत् – and their classical illustrations were गंगायां घोषः, काकेभ्यो दधि रक्ष्यताम् ceyang and arg respectively. Critics, however, said that लक्षणा was merely अभिधापुच्छभूता, or as in the terminology of the Mimansakas, it was merely अभिधाया इपोरिव दीर्घदीर्घतरो व्यापारः This, we regard, was more or less justifiable. In our opinion, AI is the most fundamental process, even though it was not so recognised for a long time. • || व्यंजना and ध्वनि. व्यंजना and ध्वनि are related to each other as process and product. Bhamaha and Dandin who con- stituted the pre- Dhwani School did not recognise as a separate process. Of course, the pro- cess has always been in existence inspite of its non-recognition. л may be compared, as Milton described it, to the burial places of memory yield- ing up their dead. The laws of Association as in Modern Psychology would fully explain the nature of suggestion. We may also quote in this connec- tion what Pope has said: "True wit is nature to advantage dressed, What oft was thought, but never so well expressed".