
विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

अवग्रह is taken away. चरभावs are the deeting emo• tions that come and go on the background of a formed af. They are instances of a good psychological analysis. Let a ч, for example, Ah, examine his own mind in the process of meditation, and he would find a legion of чs first surging up in his mind, then regnant, and finally dropping away. It is impossible to make a complete enumer- ation of the s. It is customary to enumerate thirty-three of them But the enumeration is neither complete nor correct. A mere list of thirty- three as is both imperfect and psychologically inadequate. The following might constitute the chief: -- (१) निर्वेद (२) शंका (३) असूया (४) मद (५) ग्लानि (६) आलस्य (७) निद्रा (८) चिंता (९) मोह (१०) स्मृति (११) चापल्य (१२) हर्ष (२३) विषाद (१४) आवेग (१५) विकल्प . (१६) औत्सुक्य ( १७ ) अमर्ष (१८) व्याधि (१९) त्रास (२०) (१७) दैन्य. The on the other hand constitute a great discovery of the Indian rhetoricians. They constitute exactly what in modern psychology are 'called the expressions of emotions or physiological accompaniments of emotions. Which of them is fundamental emotion or expression? - we leave it to the physiologists and psychologists to battle about, The James-Lange theory would make emotion only an appendage to expression. According to