सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

20 deals with about 20%; Dandin in his with about 27; मम्मट in his काव्यप्रकाश with over 64 ; अप्पयदीक्षित in his कुवलयानन्द enumerates and explains about 120; in the, we are restricting ourselves to 24 major Alamkaras, though other S such as may also be found there. Compare, e. g. the in :— But as सदा नगारा कृचका बाजत आटो जाम रहिमन या जग आइ के को करि सका मुकाम । -II-1-1 is interested only in those as which have a spiritual significance, it does not take into account those which have only a literary value. As some of the names of which were employed by the ancient rhetoricians were found unsatisfactory, we have thought it necessary to re-name them. Thus we have employed the ex- pression निगरण for रूपकातिशयोक्ति, महारूपक for माला and परम्परित रूपकs, अन्योक्ति for अप्रस्तुतप्रशंसा, विपर्यय for लेश, and उत्कर्ष for सार. We have also employed the term in a new sense to include both व्याजस्तुति and व्याजनिंदा, and have utilised अप्पयदीक्षित s अन्योन्य for a spiritual purpose for the भरतवाक्य of this work. We shall now illustrate from our Major 24 Alamkaras :--