सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:प्राचीन पंडित और कवि.djvu/१०४

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।
प्राचीन पंडित और कवि

प्राचीन पंडित और करि अफवर के इस फरमान का अनुवाद भी मालकम साहय ने अपनी पुस्तक में दिया है। उसे हम ज्याँ कात्या नीचे प्रका. शित करते है- "IN THE NAME OF GOD GOD IS GREAT "Firman of the Emperor Jalalodeen Mahomed Akbar Shah, Padsha, Ghazee "BE it known to the Moottasuddres of Malwa, that as the whole of our desires consist in the performance of good actions, and our virtuous intentions are constantly directed to one object, that of delighting and gaining the hearts of our subjects, etc "We, on hearing mention made bf persons of any leligion or faith, whatever, who pass their lives in sanctity, employ. their time in spiritual devotion and are alone intent on the contemplation of the Deity, shut our eyes on the external forms or ther worship, and considering only the Intention of their hearts, we feel a powerful inclination. - them to our association,