सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:भारतेंदु समग्र.pdf/११०३

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

I cannot but express my deep regret to answer this question in the negative. The Government has hitherto turned a deaf ear to our prayers in this matter. After repeated representations of the complaint by the Education Department in the year 1877 the local Government passed an order ruling that no Government appointment to which a salary of Rs. 10 or upward was attached should be given to a person who had not passed a certain public examination. The rule was heartily welcomed by the educated, who thought that the goiden age had again returned, and that none but the really deserving would have the monopoly of government posts. Alas! to their mortification and surprise, the Government order was consigned to the waste basket by Anglo-Indian officials. It is no more than a dead letter now. If a report be called for from all the departments of Government administration, as to how far effect has been given to this order of Government my statement will be borne out. A large majority of the Anglo-Indian officials have a deep-rooted prejudice against the graduates and undergraduates, and systematically employing men of the old school, who are neither well educated nor possess any high moral sense, but are ready to bear patiently the abusive language and offensive manners of their superiors. On the contrary, the Anglo-Indian functionaries hate the University educated men, who seldom refrain from criticizing the conduct of the authorities when they pas the bounds of propriety or give way to their whims. The amla try their utmost not to let University men pollute the atmosphere of their jurisdiction or trespass on the limits of the cutcherry, into which they think that they themselves and their belongings only have a writ to enter, The officials always accept the nominations of their serishtadars and head-clerks. The claims of the educated are persistently ignored : they are deliberately kept down and all the avenues to distinction are shut to them. The Government of these provinces has done but little to help such men, and this is the reason that such men go round from door to door of all the departments begging for employment. If the commission were to take up the list of Sub-Judges, Munsiffs, Deputy Collectors, Tahsildars, Peshkars, Munsarims, Serishtadars, Head-clerks and subordinate amla, it will readily find whether what I have stated is a fact. The only department wherein such people can find employment is the Education Department. No instruction in duty and principles of moral conduct occupy any place in Government colleges or schools. It is a want extremely felt, and such study ought certainly to have a piace in the school and coliege curriculum. Books may be selected hereafter, but in no way should they be such as to interfere with the religious views of any sect of people. 8 WX01*** शिक्षा आयोग के समक्ष गवाही १०५९