सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:भारतेंदु समग्र.pdf/२३१

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

"किमासनन्ते गरुडासवाय किम्भूषणडकौस्तुभभूषणाय ।। लक्ष्मीकलत्राय किमस्ति देयं वागीशकिन्ते वचनीयमस्ति ।।" (निबन्ध) BY HARISH CHANDRA पटना -"खडगविलास" प्रेस-बांकीपुर । साहब प्रसाद सिंह ने मुद्रित किया । १८८८. FHFS Fulla:* PREFACE The short stay of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh at Benares prevented me from personally presenting his this 'Offering of flowers on the occasion of his visit to this city. With the co-operation of some of my esteemed friends, I convened a meeting at my house on the 20th January and invited many respectable and learned Pundits and Gentlemen to attend it. The meeting was formally opened by me by reading the biography of the Royal Prince in Hindi, and in conclusion requesting the gentlemen present on the occasion to adopt suitable measures for the address. The Pundits of the city expressed their great satisfaction, and read individually some Shlokas ( verses) Sanskrit expressing their heartfelt joy on the advent of the Royal Prince to this city. The verses are entered systematically into this book. The meeting then broke. The gentlemen present on the occasion evinced great joy and loyalty to the Royal Prince for which this small book containing the expressions of their sincere loyalty, is most respectfully dedicated to his Gracious feet. Benares 10th March 1870 Harischandra. Names of the gentle- men presen on the occasion of the meeting held for presenting an address to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh. H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh. Prof. Shri Bapu Deva Shri Narayan Kavi Shastri F.R.A.S. " Hanuman Kavi. and Fellow Calcutta Hari Bajpai. University इस सुमनोंजलि में सर्व श्री बापूदेव, राजाराम, बेचनराम, बस्तीराम बालशास्त्री, गोविंददेव, शीतल प्रसाद, ताराचरण, गंगाधर शास्त्री, रमापति, नृसिंह शास्त्री, ढुंढिराज, विश्वनाथ, विनायक शास्त्री और रामकृष्ण शास्त्री के संस्कृत श्लोक हैं । और नारायण और हनुमान कवि की हिंदी कविताएँ हैं। "

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छोटे प्रबंध तथा मुक्तक रचनायें १९१