पृष्ठ:राष्ट्रभाषा पर विचार.pdf/२६

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

राष्ट्रभाषा पर विचार नगर वा नागर जाति पहले नगरकोट में बसी और फिर धीरे धीरे सारे भारत में फैल गई। यहाँ तक कि कूर्ग और बंगाल में भी जा वसी। मागर ज्ञाति के साथ इतना भटकने के उपरांत अब यह कहना शेष रहा कि वास्तव में गुर्जर, टक्क और नगरकोट 14It will be seen that there was a tribe or race called Nagar of Nagar whose original seat was the country of Patak situated near the Manasa Lake. It gradually migrated westward and southward. Its westward movement is indicated by such place dames as Hunga. Nagas ia Kash- mir and Nagar on the Kabul :iver. Their first settlemeat southward was Nagar or Nagarkot, from where different class such as the Mitras and Duttas occupied such provinces as Panchal, Kosala, and Mathura from the second century B. C. to the second century A. D. There were followed by the Nagas, Guptas, and Varmans, who similarly held different parts of North India. Theo came the Vardhanas, Palas and Senas who spread as far east as Bengal, whereas the Maitrakas who were related to the old Mitras, as the Kadambas to the Kadambas or the Chaulukyas to the Chalu- kyas, conquered Gajrat and Kathiawara. Of course, these Nagar spread as far south as Nagarkhanda in Banvasi, but it is aot clear whether they went on conquering or simply migrating. The spread of the Nagaras along the western coust as far as Coorg can easily be noted. But how they migrated to Bengal is far from clear." (Indian Antiquary 1932, P.70 )