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पृष्ठ:१८५७ का भारतीय स्वातंत्र्य समर.pdf/५७३

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५२९ finding at their arrival at Umballa, a portion of the regiments was in the Cantonment, they were unable to effect their purposes with these men and desisted from their proposed journey, on the plea of the cold weather -Russell's Diary. Hi po 9. 208 "In this lesser sense, then, and in this only, did the cartridges produce the mutiny. They were instruments used by the conspirators and those conspirators were successful in their use of the instruments only because, in the manner I have endeavourod to point out the mind of the Sepoys and of certain sections of the population had been prepared to believe every act testifying bad faith of their masters." Medley says:-"But in fact, the greased cartridge was merely the match that exploded the mind which - had, owing to the variety of causes, been for a long time preparing." "Mr. Disraeli dismissed the greasing of the cartridges with the remark that nobody believed that to have been the real cause of the outbreak."-Charles Ball's Indian Mutiny Vol. 1 Page 629. Another author goes one step further and says, "> "that the fear about the cartridges was a more pretext with many, 18 shown beyond all question. They have not hesitated to use freely when fighting against us the Very cartridges which they declared would if used, have destroyed their caste.' सं. २१ पृ. १२४ "The name has become a recognised distinction for rebellious Sepoys throughout India "...Charles Ball. "This name was the origin of the Sepoys generally being called 'Pandeys-Lord Roberts Bortyone years in India, ३४