पृष्ठ:१८५७ का भारतीय स्वातंत्र्य समर.pdf/५७७

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५३३ decision. But now their blood was up and their pride awake and they were not inclined to overrate the privilages of an Anglo-Saxon or the Sagacity of the Military Tribunal."-Cawapore page 93. सं. ३३ पृ. २३८ i "Before the Mutiny broke out, the Moulvie travelled through India on a roving commission, to exoite the minds or his compatriots to the steps then contemplated, by the master spirits of the plot. Certain it is that in 1857, he circulated seditious papers throughout Oudh, that the police did not arrest him, and to obtaia that end, armad forca was required. He was then tried and condemned to death But before the sentence could be executed Oudh broke into revolt and like many a political criminal in Europe, he stepped at once from the floor of a dungeon to the footsteps of a throne."--Malleson Vol. IV, page 379. · Says Gubbins :-"The Moulvie of Fyzabad was released from jail by the mutingers. He was of a res. pectable Mohamadani family and had traversed much of upper India, exciting the paople to sedition He had been expelled from Agra for preaching sedition." etc; etc.

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"The well-known writer of the Red Pamphlet gays :-"All Oudh had been in arms against us. Not only regular troops but sixty thousand men of the army of the ex-king, the Zeminders, and their retainers and two hundred & fifty forts-most of them heavily armed with guns have been working against us. They have balanced the rule of the Company with sovereignty of their kings & have pronounced almost unanimously, in favour of the latter. The very pensioners who have served in the Army have declared definitely against us & joined in the insurreotion,