सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

VIII 28. Thou art the sole resort for me, O God, as the lake for a fish : सर सूखे पछी उडे । 264 29. Supplication to God to save from imminent danger: वार वरावर वारि है । 264 30. A one-pointed devotion defies the stroke of the greatest calamity : एक भरोसो, एक वल । 266 FIFTH CHAPTER THE HIGHEST ASCENT I. 1. Intuition vs. Intellect: fî di dia a i 268 2. Seeing they cannot perceive, hearing they cannot understand : तुलसी या संसार को । 268 3. Internal perception : a g¾¶ a 4. Inter-incommunicativeness of senses: 268 BOO 270 कहै नहीं । 5. A spiritual realiser alone can understand the signs of a spiritual realiser : ज्यों गूँगे के सैन को । ... 270 6. One should not open out one's diamond before a vegetable seller: हीरा तहाँ न खोलिये । II 7. By the help of my spiritual teacher, the Name has sprung up in me; why should I babble any longer ? गुण इन्द्री सहजै गए । I 8. The resounding of God's Name through every hair . of the body : हाड़ सुखि पिञ्जर भए । 9. I have now found out within me the Musician from whom proceeds manifold music: हिरदे वजैं । 270 272 272 404 272