सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

xvi JII 10. Constaut service and watchful humility alone lead one to the realisation of the Person and the love of Shabda : अलख पुरुष निर्माण है। BOD 11. The metaphysical and epistemological significance of Shabda : सबद सवद का अन्तरा । 12. The ever-ascending ladder of Shabda: चढ़ती तार से | 274 274 274 IV 13. Coalescence of sound and form experience: समानी ब्रँड में । बूँद 276 14. In the sea of God, the saint is an oyster-shell, in which is born the pearl of experience: दरिया सुभर भरा | 276 DA 276 15. Every hair of the body has veritably become a lamp of God : सुन्न मण्डल में घर किया । V 16. Kabir bathes when the storm of thunder and lightning sends down ambrosia: चरसे अमी । 278 17. The insatiability of the thirst for the enjoyment of God's splendour: धरनी पलक परै नहीं । 278 18. Speech becomes fragrant in consequence of the ecstatic state: पिञ्जर प्रेम प्रकासिया । 278 VI 19. Resigu yourself to the Person who manifests Himself in the light of meditation: मन सुमिरते । 280 20. Atonement means transparency of vision: लागी सब कहें । 280 21. The seeing of the face in the mirror of the heart: हृदया भीतर आरसी । ... 280