पृष्ठ:कार्ल मार्क्स पूंजी २.djvu/४७१

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

Ir dar o Authorities from Barking. London, 1814. - -June 16, 1866.-२२७ ४१६.४१0 -June 30, 1866.-२२७ TURGOT. :1. R. J. Reflerions sur la -- July 7, 1866.-?? formation et la distribution des riches Mancy Market Review. 1867.- 988 s's. (1765). In: Oeuvres, éd Daire, v. Veue Rheinische Zeitung, Organ der I. Paris, 1881.-१७५, ३०४, ३१६ Demokratie. Köln, 1848/49. - 99 TYLOR, E. B. Researches into the Early Zeitschrift f. d. gesamte Staatswissen- History of Mankind and the Deuc schaft. Tübingen, 1879. — 99 lopment of Civilisation. London, John Murray, 1865. --?-Y IV. PARLAMENTARY REPORTS AND OTHER OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS W East India (Madras and Orissa Fami- WAYLAND, Francis. The Elements of ne). Return to an Address of the Political Economy. Boston, 1843.- Honourable The House of Commons. July 4, 1867.-२१३ WILLIAMS, R. P. On the Maintenance East India (Bengal and Orissa Famine). and Renewal of Permanent Way. Papers and Correspondence relative Minutes of proceedings of the Insti- to the Famine in Bengal and Oris- tution of civil engineers; with abs sa, including the Report of the Fa. tracts of the Discussions. V. XXV, mine Commission and the Minutes London, 1866. - १५८, १६६ of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal and the Governor General of India. II. ANONYMOUS May 31, 1867.-१३३ Manava Dharma Sastra, or the Insti- East India (Bengal and Orissa Famine). tutes of Manu according to the gloss Papers, relating to the Famine in of Kulluka, comprising the Indian Behar, including Mr. F. R. Cooke- system of duties, religious and civil. rell's Report. Part IIl. May 31, 1867.-१३३ Verbally translated from the original, with a preface by Sir William Jones, Reports by H. M. Secretaries of Embas- and collated with the Sanskrit text, sy and Legation on the Manufactu- by Graves Channey Haughton, esq. res, Commerce, etc., of the countries M. ., F. R. S., etc., etc.; Prof. of in which they reside. London. No. 8 Hindu literature in the East India (1865).-२१७ College. 3. ed. Madras, 1863. -393 No. 14 (1879).-४१२, ४५१, ४५२ The Source and Remedy of the Natio- Report from the Select Committee on nal Difficulties, Deduced from Prin- Bank Acts; together with the Pro- ciples of Political Economy, in a ceedings of the Committee, Minutes letter to Lord John Russell. London, of Evidence, Appendix and Index.Part 1821.-२१ I. Report and Evidence. July 30, 1857. .-२११ III. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODI- Royal Commission on Railways. Minu- tes of Evidence taken before the CALS Commissioners, London, 1867. Economist. London, May 8, 1847.-97€ १५७, १६१, १६५, २२६