सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

PAUMACARIU 03 ts a regular term(ination) of the Ins. sg. in Ap., though it was ori- ginally of the Loc. sg." Now these views are not borne out by facts. Ins. sing. forms in are not found in MP. as also in our text. From just three in- stances of such forms from the Jasaharacariu Tagare generalizes that i was well-established as an Ins. sing. termination in the Southern Apa. of the 10th Cent. But even these three forms loose all their meagre evidential value on examination. kāli is found as kalim in the Index Verborum to the Hist. Gram. of Apa. and actual- ay it is kālim (i.e. the variant of kalem) as shown by the metre of Jasaharacariu 2 15. The second form in -i, viz., suhi is not found in the Index, but the latter quotes suha (equated with svá 'a dog') from Jasaharacariu 2 35 10, and if we consult the original passage' we find that the actual word is sunahu and not suhu. The remain- ing third form dansani is correctly quoted, but it occurs in a pas- sage which is plainly a fourteenth century interpolations in the Jasaharacariu. This is one out of many instances of the uncritical use of the sources on the part of the author of the Hist. Gram. of Apa. which has unfortunately vitiated several of his conclusions. Thus it still remains to be demonstrated that the works of Puş- padanta contain Instruments in -i and unless this is done, it cannot be accepted that Loc. sing. in short -e was used in an Instrumental sense. This fact would go against the derivation of -er from -ahim, which otherwise on phonetic grounds also appears uncon- vincing. Loss of -h-, change of the final nasalization to an Anusvāra and the contraction of -a- and -i into -e- (in the face of their preser- vation in the neut. pl. termination -aim) which are presupposed by the proposed evolution -ahim into -em remain unexplained. Hence the derivation accepted by Bloch and Turner (ena becoming em) is to be preferred. Turner's suggestion that in Ap. -eņa, -p probably represented Anusvāra is unacceptable, because reading the two- moraic -en in place of the three-moraic -ena would spoil the metre. $65. bhamantaena 1 13 9a, uttiņņaena 3 8 1a, ubbhinnaeņa 38 la, punnaeņa 3 1 2a, samānijjantaena 1 2 12b (all at the end of a Pāda) are instances of the enlarged Ins. sing. forms. $66. For Instrumental forms used for the Locative see the next article. $67. Short -e (orthographic variant -i) is the only termination of the Loc. sing. -ahim is not found for A stems in PC. Occasionally Ins. forms are used for Loc., e.g. asanner 15 5 8 and especially in Loc. absolute constructions as at 1 2 12b, 3 8 106, etc. In annehim kiya ņivitti annekkahin 3 12 4 others abstained (piously) from many other thing', annekkahim presents a case of using Ins. for Abl. khīra-mahannave khīru bhareppiņu 2 5 8 can be rendered as 'having collected milk at the Milky Ocean.' $68. ehim and ahim are found in Ins. and Loc. pl. -ihim ap- pears as an orthographic variant of ehim. Of these terminations, -ehim predominates. A comparison of the Mss. indicates that a gradual process of substituting -ahim for -ihim (-ehiin) was at work, (1) hâ ! Jasaharu rānaü ajju muu, ha ! daïva ! käim inaim punahu hau (2) Vaidya, 1931, Introduction, 17. (3) It would appear prima facie that in vijau Dasanane ghutthau PC. 10 11 9a. Dasánane is a Loc. form used in an ins. sense. But vijau ghutthu amarõhiva- sähane PC. 8 10 16 (Victory was proclaimed in the ranks of the Lord of Gods') and several such passages show that this was an idiomatic expression and the form in short -e has a Loc. sense. So also in sama taa 5 13 1a samasena 'in short' and kare 6 13 2a, 6 16 8a.