
विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

xvi JII 10. Constaut service and watchful humility alone lead one to the realisation of the Person and the love of Shabda : अलख पुरुष निर्माण है। BOD 11. The metaphysical and epistemological significance of Shabda : सबद सवद का अन्तरा । 12. The ever-ascending ladder of Shabda: चढ़ती तार से | 274 274 274 IV 13. Coalescence of sound and form experience: समानी ब्रँड में । बूँद 276 14. In the sea of God, the saint is an oyster-shell, in which is born the pearl of experience: दरिया सुभर भरा | 276 DA 276 15. Every hair of the body has veritably become a lamp of God : सुन्न मण्डल में घर किया । V 16. Kabir bathes when the storm of thunder and lightning sends down ambrosia: चरसे अमी । 278 17. The insatiability of the thirst for the enjoyment of God's splendour: धरनी पलक परै नहीं । 278 18. Speech becomes fragrant in consequence of the ecstatic state: पिञ्जर प्रेम प्रकासिया । 278 VI 19. Resigu yourself to the Person who manifests Himself in the light of meditation: मन सुमिरते । 280 20. Atonement means transparency of vision: लागी सब कहें । 280 21. The seeing of the face in the mirror of the heart: हृदया भीतर आरसी । ... 280