सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:भारतेंदु नाटकावली.djvu/६०२

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ प्रमाणित है।

'गर्ज गर्ज क्षणं मूढ मधु यावत्पिबाम्यहम्।
मया त्वयि हतेऽत्रैव गर्जिष्यन्त्याशु देवताः॥'
'त्रैलोक्यमिंद्रो लभतां देवाः सन्तु हविर्भुजः।
यूयं प्रयात पातालं यदि जीवितुमिच्छथ॥'
'इत्थं यदा यदा बाधा दानवोत्था भविष्यति।
तदा तदाऽवतीर्याहं करिष्याम्यरिसंक्षयम्॥'

'स्त्रियः समस्ताः सकला जगत्सु। त्यसैकया पूरितमंबयैतत्'


"For the kiss she gave him was his first and last"
Kiss of dagger, driven to his heart and past.
At her feet he wallowed, choked with wicked blood,
In his breast the katar quivered where it stood,
At the hilt his fingers vainly-wildy-try,
Then they stiffen feeble, die! thou slayer die!
From his jewelled scabbard drew she Shureef's sword,
Cut at vain the neck-bone of the Muslim Lord,
Underneath, the star-light sooth a sight of dead!
Like the Goddess Kali, comes she with the head.
Comes to where her brothers guard their murdered Chief;
All the camp is silent but the night is brief.
At his feet she flings it, flings her burden vile;
"Suraj! I keep my promise! Brothers! Build the pile"