पृष्ठ:राष्ट्रभाषा पर विचार.pdf/११०

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

TISEATAT T ferat which Gujratis, Bengalis, marathas, Oriyas. and the people of the South do not understand (and yet they are required to adopt this form of Hindusthani as the “National Language of India ), and with which the masses in Bihar and U. P. Rajputana and Central India, and the Central Provinces, do not wholly feel at home, accustomed as they are to a Sanskritic vocabulary. Only the Musalman elite of the U. P., Bihar, Hindi-speaking Central Provinces and the Punjab, and a good many educated Hindas and Sikhs of Western U. P. and Punjab, may find this language convenient. "It should be understood clearly that the attraction for Hindu Hindusthani which peo- ples of Eastern U. P, Bihar, Nepal, Bengal, Assam, Orrisa, Andhra, Tamil Nadu, Karnata, Kerala, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthana feel depends, primarily on two things-its Devanagari Script, and its Sanskrit Vocabulary" (do. P. 222 ) अस्तु, हिंदुस्तानी के बारे में अब तक जो कुछ कहा गया है उसका तात्पर्य यही है कि उसका मूल रूप और उसका मूल अर्थ चाहे जो कुछ रहा हो पर गत डेढ़ सौ वर्षों से उसका व्यवहार प्रायः हल्की उर्दू के अर्थ में ही होता आ रहा है और फलतः आज भी जब कभी हिंदी अथवा ठेठ हिंदुस्तानी को छोड़कर किसी