play incidentally impurts a large amount of mythological and other such ficts Most useful to be acquired, and which none of the works N0W used as Hindi text-books confribute, with the solitary exception of the Foluance found in the dreary pages of the Pyrent-stigairt; * Fourthly, the
language in which the Sakuntala is written is not so stilted and so pedan ticalls. Sanskritic as the run of that which is intended to the classical.'The play, being a transition from the Sanskrit, nccessarily contains a good many fatsanma words; but the translator does not seem to have
some out of his way to bring in Sanskrit Vocables; on the contrary, he does not hesitate to employ, oceasionally, hoth Persian and Arabie, when they stein most fitting. No doubt lte could have gone further in this direction, without disadvantage to liis work; but we should
(certainly feel thankful that he has not studied to exaggerate the mischiefs irlhich well meaning but unthinking Pandits are bringing upoll the language ther profess to love. Perhaps the strongest reason for selecting the Sitkuntali for a text-book lies in the fact that, Fifthly, the play, boing a series of dialogues, is inevitably colloquial in style; aul thtis the hook forms an excellent introduction to ordinary conversation in the Hindi language. This method of aequiring colloquialisms is
nrery practical one ; the thread of the narrative giving an interest to the speeches, whicli conduces to their dwelling in the mind. A fer (unlls of poetry, also, are to be found in the book, and these will give tine studenta taste of what he may expect in that somewhat difficult kind of composition.
It is not necessary to give here any detailed description of the plot of the Sakuntala. Those learning Hindi can ascertain all about it by reading the text ; and those not learning Hindi can find that they want
* This work, furthermore, presents, in a thoronghly artificial phraseology, only one phase of the late and Corrupt form of Brahmanism; the Sakuntala illustrates the older and more general then of belief.
I with regard to this class of words, it may justly be urged that, as the vulgar Hindi must be enriehef from sonm sonree, there is more hope that Sanskrit words will take root among the people, than there is that ausnal Persian or other foreign rocuhles will do s).Words which are fairly well know, however, whatever the their origin, tre vastly preferable resuseitald Sanskrit. It is much to he regretted that Pandits do not see that every unne essary Sanskrit word ther employ is a fresh obstacle to the natural development of Hindi.