सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोत से
  • options:
kap (small-caps): equivalent to {{Sc}}
roz (letter-space): standard letter-spacing, 0.15em
u (underline): equivalent to code <u>...</u>
  • options with a value:
font= (font name): (ie. font=Arial Narrow or font=Times); also as a coma-separated list
w= (font size): (ie. w=150%), with any unit px, em, cm
kol= (color): text color, named (ie. kol=red, kol=blue), with hexadecimal code (ie. kol=#00ff00), or RGB, RGBA, HSL, etc.
h= (line height): as percent (ie. h=150%), or using any unit px, em, pt, etc. (ie. h=2em, h=19px), see here
roz= (letter-spacing): letter spacing, using any unit px, em, pt, etc. (ie. roz=0.3em)
style= (style): any css style expression. Ie: style=background-color:#00ff00;border-top:thick double #ff0000.