
विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

Dohas ] General Introduction 15 being a very notable contribution of Tulsidas to the Philosophy of Religion. After having discussed these categories, we shall proceed, in connection with the Doha सगुन हि अगुनहिं नहिं कछु भेदा, to indicate the ten ascending stages of Tulsidas's Philosophy of Devotion, which involves a survey of the relationships between such fundamental conceptions as सगुण, निर्गुण, नाम, रूप, and ध्यान. We shall next proceed to discuss the relationship that exists between Saints and God, both practical and philosophical. Under the first head, we shall consider the questions of (1) proximity to God which means protection, and (2) personal autonomy under the suzerainty of Divine power. We shall next proceed to consider (3) to what lofty heights, according to Tulsidas, a saint can ascend starting from a life of abject poverty, as well as (4) the service which God renders to such a saint as Tulsidas in North India, and Ekanath in the South. The last two points to be considered in this connection would be (5) the fore- fulfilment of a devotee's desires by God, and (6) the ideal of eudaemonistic attainment by the Saint of combined material and spiritual welfare. Under the second head, we shall proceed to the concluding Dohas of this chapter, wherein we will be told about the philosophical relationship that subsists between a Saint and God. Here three stages will be indicated first, the Saint's identity with the second, the saint as reflecting the fч, and third, the eschatological mergence of spirit with spirit to which the Saint ultimately attains.