वारन हेस्टिंग्स २५५ इसके बाद टॉरेन्स बयान करता है कि किस प्रकार इन समस्त अत्याचारों ने, अवध के नवाब पर कम्पनी की आए दिन की मांगों ने, और वहाँ के राजशासन में अंगरेजों के नित्य हस्तक्षेप ने मिलकर आसफ़द्दौला को मिटा डाला, अवध निवासियों की हिम्मतों को कुचल कर खाक कर दिया और उत्तरीय भारत के उस हरे भरे बाग को थोड़े ही दिनों में इधर से उधर तक वीरान कर डाला। himself to the filed in heal ir Eliyali rot into palanquil, ond posterl to Luckness brills utpy hearers :- for were not agans mnde to hal Christian Chiet Jaster on that should1s, When at full Treed to rid in the commission of lobbery the commalid ol Ragh Honourable V1 Iry Whut could morr learlr- Prove to soul-dukenrl population the superiority of Furnpran mannels and mornls u red in the tapital of Oudh the Chier JInstite toot number of altidavits whicIs Arcused the Begums of complicity With Chartsingh, in iins supposed tollspiracy aunst tul masterstlht CompanSur Lijah did not it nd the tidar its, or hear then tead They were in a dilect he tlid not understand, nd he nad not tinue to wait lor in interpreter So he toob them as Chief Magistrate 13- England in the East, and thus endalour prostitution of insugh cutihornty' here completed, he pot into li1s Jalanquin again, and returned to Calcutta ___The tarte concludel, crasic scenes began The palace of Fr/naints surrounded by English troops The print Psst e Here told liat they were optives, und required to deliset up their sold ind jewels On their ictusal their ladtes were subjected to reuni-stervation und their serrants tutorture Enable to endure then 10 md tears the Begums Yavc up casket alter casket, and storc lter Store, until the sum of spoil was reckoned it ! 1200,000 'Then and not tall then their wretched menials were let gu Such are the birr outlines of the dreadful tale Over all that could furnish forth the trut coloring of the Picture, the sel of oblivion installen, and it can not Numbe raised Asafinddoula lost influence and powel the desolation that overspread the country '-Torren's Emptitin Asia, Pp 126-128
पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज - पहली जिल्द.djvu/५२३