p. 4, 1. 8, for अपनाम read अपमान.
p. 17, 1. 9, for सिखायी read सिखाई.
P. 21, 1. 11, for दिखायो read दिखाई.
p. 25, 1. 8, for अचम्भा read अचंभा.
p. 26, 1. 7. for कलानधि read कलानिधि.
p. 27, 1. G. for है इस की read हाय इस को.
P. 28, 1. 11, for कहूंगी। किस read. कहंगी किस.
p. 33, 1. 6, for निर्बाह read निवाह.
{{{1}}}„ 1. 14, for हा read हो.
{{{1}}}„ 1. 18, for उन्हों। read उन्हीं.
p. 34, 1. 12, for कहै read कहे. The sentence will then be rendered by "(If) thou bid (me)," &e.
p. 35, 1. 5, for ऋषि कन्या read ऋषिकन्या.
{{{1}}}„ 1. 24, for बिना read विना.
P. 36, 1. 3, for शकु read शकु॰.
{{{1}}}„ 1. 12. पपीहा. This alludes to a kind of hark, whose note is often heard in India just before the comenteement of the monsoon.
{{{1}}}„ , 1. 14, for हतय read हृदय.
p. 38, 1. 17 for वेतलता read बेतलता.
p. 39, 1. 6. 01' का read को.
, 1. 22, for गौरिपूजा read गौरीपूजा.
p. 40, 1, 6, I have altered निरादर करनेवाली to निरादरकरनेवाली; but, indicate that they are accepted as purs to make good grammar, the का he of one's fate. The compound Must, futher, be changed to की.
p. 44, 1, 3, for अचम्भेread अचंभे.
p. 46, 1, 23, for हुतासन read हुताशन.
p. 48, 1, 6 वनज्योत्स्त्रा is the proper name of the erecping plant.
p. 49, 1, 1, for समा read सामा. See note.
p. 50, 1, 25, for अभिread अभी.
p. 51, 1, 2, for विहुनी read विद्वानी.
p. 56, 1, 15, for सर्वमुख read सर्व मुख.
p. 57, 1, 14, for प्रत्पक्ष read प्रत्यक्ष.
p. 60, 1, 10, for करूंगी read करूगीं.
p. 64, 1, 26, for अचम्भा read अचंभा.
p. 66, 1, 26, for जाल्लुक read जानुक.
p. 69., 1, 25, for मित्रवसु read मित्रावसु.
p. 72, 1, 10, for दाश read दोष.
p. 75, 1, 17, for सचीतीर्थ read शचीतीर्थ.
{{{1}}}„ 1, 21, for काया read किया.
p. 82, 1, 13, for हू read हूं.
p. 85, 1, 4, for तुझ read तुझे.
p. 92, 1. 9, for बलैया read बलीयां.
p. 97, 1, 6, for हा read हो.
p. 104, note 35, Act I,. For the last two lies read, Things held in great estimations are placed on the head to indicate that they are accepted as part of one's fate. The Sanskrit text says प्रतिगृहीतं meaning "it is accepted (unconditionally)".