सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:भारत का संविधान (१९५७).djvu/२४२

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ जाँच लिया गया है।


Part XII.—Finance, Property, Contracts and

(2) The net proceeds in any financial year of any such duty or tax, except in so far as those proceeds represent proceeds attributable to [][Union territories], shall not form part of the Consolidated Fund of India, but shall be assigned to the States within which that duty or tax is leviable in that year, and shall be distributed among those States in accordance with such principles of distribution as may be formulated by Parliament by law.

[][(3) Parliament may by law formulate principles for determining when a sale or purchase of goods takes place in the course of inter-State trade or commerce.]

Taxes levied and Collected by the Union and distributed between the Union and the States.

270. (1)Taxes on income other than agricultural income shall be levied and collected by the Government of India and distributed between the Union and the States in the manner provided in clause (2).

(2) Such percentage, as may be prescribed, of the net proceeds in any financial year of any such tax, except in so far as those proceeds represent proceeds attributable to [][Union territories] or to taxes payable in respect of Union emoluments, shall not form part of the Consolidated Fund of India, but shall be assigned to the States within which that tax is leviable in that year, and shall be distributed among those States in such manner and from such time as may be prescribed.

(3) For the purpose of clause (2), in each financial year such percentage as may be prescribed of so much of the net proceeds of taxes on income as does not represent the net proceeds of taxes payable in respect of Union emoluments shall be deemed to represent proceeds attributable to [][Union territories].

(4) In this article—

(a) "taxes on income" does not include a corporation tax;
(b) "prescribed "means–
(i) until a Finance Commission has been constituted, prescribed by the President by order; and
(ii) after a Finance Commission has been constituted, prescribed by the President by order after considering the recommendations of the Finance Commission;
(c) "Union emoluments" includes all emoluments and pensions payable out of the Consolidated Fund of India in respect of which income-tax is chargeable.

  1. १.० १.१ १.२ Added by the Constitution (Sixth Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 3.,
  2. Subs. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956 s. 29 and Sch., for "State specified in Part C of the First Schedule."