सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज - पहली जिल्द.djvu/१७८

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।
पुस्तक प्रवेश

१४४ पुस्तक प्रवेश थे। सौदागर और यात्री निहायत अासानी से एक शहर से दूसरे शहर और एक सूबे से दूसरे सूबे आ जा सकते थे, और एक साम्राज्य की छाया में सब लोग इस विशाल देश की एकता को अनुभव करते थे।" इतिहास कला मुसलमानों के आने से पहले का हिन्दुओं का लिखा हुआ ऐतिहासिक साहित्य अन्वल तो है ही बहुत कम, और जो है भी उसमें तिथियों का करीब करीब अभाव है । इसके विपरीत अरबों के लिखे हुए इतिहासों, यात्रा वृत्तान्तों और जीवन चरित्रों में सदा ठीक ठीक विथि दर्ज होती है। On the other band, the two handred years of Inghal rule, trom the arcession of Akhar to the death of Mohammad Shal (1556-1749), gave to the wrole of Northern India and much ot the Deccan aiso, oneness ot the official language, administrative system 2nd coinage and also a popular, lang a franca tor all classes encept the Hindoo priests and the stationary village folk Even outside fne territory directiv administered by the Mughal Emperors, their administrative system, official nomenclatare, court etiquette and monetary type were borrored, more or less, by the neighbouring Hudoo Ralay "Athe twenty Indian subahs of the Mughal Empire were governed br means ot exacriy the same administrative machinery, with exactly the same procedure and oricral titles Persian was the one language used in all once recurds, farntans, sanads, landgrants, passes, cespatches and receipt: The same monetary standard prevailed throughout the Empire, with coins Having the same names, the same purnty and the same denominations, and differing only in the name of the mant-town Officials and soldiers were frequently transferred from one province to another Thus, the native of one province felt limself aimast at home in another Province, traders and travellers passed most easily from city to city, rubah to subch, and all realised the impernal oneness of this vast country "-~JHaghari danmanistratourt, by Jadinath Sarkar, P2 129, 130