सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज - पहली जिल्द.djvu/५७

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।
वे और हम

वे और हम उस समय के भारत से तुलना ___ अपर के लम्बे बयान से उस ज़माने के इङ्गलिस्तान के गावों और शहरों की हालत, मकानों, सड़कों, रहन सहन, धन्धों, कचहरियों, धार्मिक विचारों, शिक्षा और सदाचार इत्यादि का पूरा पूरा पता चलता है। हमें यह भी याद रखना चाहिए कि यह वह जमाना था, जब कि हिन्दोस्तान में कबीर और दादू के उदार धार्मिक विचार, अकबर का विश्वप्रेम, जहाँगीर का न्यायशासन, शाहजहाँ के समय की खुशहाली और आश्चर्यजनक कलाकौशल संसार भर के यात्रियों को चकाचौध कर रहे थे, जब कि भारत में दरजनों नगर सुन्दर से सुन्दर इमारतों से सुसज्जित और अत्यन्त धने बसे हुए थे, जब कि दिल्ली और आगरे के किले और ताजमहल जैसी इमारतें बन with mud His fire was cbumney-less-often it was made olpeat. In the objects and manaer of his existence he was but a step ahove the industrious beaver who was building his dam n the adjacent stream. There were high- wavmen on the roads, Patates on the rivers, vermin in abundance in the clothing and beils The common food was reay, vetches, fera roots and even the bark of trees There was no commerre to put of faraine Man was altogether arthe mercy or the seasons The population, sparse as it was, was perpetually thinned by pastilence and want Nor was the state of the townsman better than that of the rustic is bed was a bag of straw, with a hard round log for his pillow If he was in easy circumstances, his. clothing was of leatner, if poor, a wisp of strar wrapped round as limbs kept off tbe cod As to the mechanic, how was it possible that he- could erust where there were no windows made of glass, not even ot oiled paper, no workshop warmed by a fire For the poor there was no physician . , Sanitary Provisions there were none the rapidity of its (syphilis') spread all over Europe Is a significant illustration of the fearful Immorality of the times It contemporary authors are to be trusted, tbere was not aclass, marrmed or uamarried, clergy or lasty, from the holy father, Leox,to the begger by the warside, tree from it Its (Eagland's)