सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठ:मेरी आत्मकहानी.djvu/१००

विकिस्रोत से
यह पृष्ठ जाँच लिया गया है।
मेरी आत्मकहानी

(२) पेरिस से आगस्टस वार्थ महाशय ने अपने २२ फरवरी, १९०४ के पत्र में लिखा था-

I have received indeed from the Government of the United Provinces your annual report on the search for, Hindi manuscripts for the year 1900 and I have read it through with the greatest interest. It is a quite new field and a most promising one, you are here opening by this able performance of yours. It is indeed the best direction that could be given for applying the critical methods to the study of your vernacular literature, and this most useful inquiry can only be done by your country-men They alone can give us reliable text and work out thoroughly the intricacies of your later and local history and it is to be hoped that they will follow in this the intimation you are here giving them

The many Jain works in your list are quite new to me. Such works are known to be very numerous in Gujrati and Marathi, but in Hindi they could only be surmised.

But the most interesting parts of your report are the historical poems and the very able and suggestive way you are dealing with them. Your vindication of the Prithviraj Raso that it is not the wholesale forgery which Pandit Syamal