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पृष्ठ:मेरी आत्मकहानी.djvu/५८

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मेरी आत्मकहानी

involves the search and creation of adequate words to signify all kinds of European ideas. Language is said only to grow; but here is a question of making it on a large scale During the year under report I began to prepare a vernacular Thesaurus on the model of Roget's well-known work I found that the casting Anglo-Sanskrit and Anglo-Vernacular dictionaries did but meagre justice to scientific subjects I saw in them all a want of precision and a want of that convenience which words must have before they can be used with profit The lexicographer did not seem to have always borne in mind that words were but though-tgerms and must have certain qualities before they can prove frutful, that they must be easily portable, i e, neither staff nor cumbruous, and very easy to pronounce, if they were meant to be extensively used and that as far as possible they should convey their technical meaning by their structure Upto the end of the academic year the scarch and coinage of words continued, when experience suggested an improvement in the system. I say the importance of giving the authorities with the words selected (in an abbreviated form), and found that the works, written on different