मेरी आत्मकहानी subjects, in different parts of India is different mint at differnt lames of 1111 l, soul retri n Inrge sumber of rondly-suindo erorils which will make the task of scretion for trull than it 111 परतु प्रोफेमर गनर की या फाम उनना माल ना नान हुआ जितना कि उन्होंने श्रागा की थी। अगले वर्ष (१८९:५३) की रिपोर्ट में वे अपने अनुभव का वर्णन म प्रकार परत - In thr last year's report, I duele at sonr length or the importancı nu diffinition of finding cul suntable lochmeal l'11134 to be used in the vernacular scientific treatise Lwent proccol llits difficulty to be elin greater then it was al fint imagined Enuncnt speciales, some of whom were well-known Sanshritists, could not send their works for want of words, soint could inl begin at all I had therefore to expedite the search and coinage of words Thr Thesaurus attempt had to be laid aside for a tinc and the musling dictionaries of the prinupal languages in Inwa, DIE, Gujrati, Marathi, Bengal, Ilindustanu, begacs Sanskrit and Pirinn, had in bc ind under contribution The Manjurj Departnicnt took up Webster's International diclionory, posted up the sacntific mords on large folios printed for thic purpose and wrote out the corresponding words in the above-mentioned languages opposite to
पृष्ठ:मेरी आत्मकहानी.djvu/५९